Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stress Relievers!

Ok kiddos, I know with prom, finals, and end of year celebrations like graduation creeping up on you, there might be a tendency to "freak out". DON'T DO IT! :) I found a few videos on the subject that just might make you laugh and give you some actual tips on ways to distress your crazy lives. Remember, high school IS about learning and involves a lot of hard work, but it should also be about fun and making memories.

Enjoy your weekend, see you Monday!

Plagiarism - A Reminder!

I'm sure by now you are tired of hearing about it, but we can't be too careful! Here is my Plagiarism slide show, use this as a tool when we work on our upcoming essay projects!

Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that studies personality and individual differences.

There are several different types of personalities, as well we know. But how do we dicern what is what? I want you to check out this website for information, and then check out the youtube video

Friday, March 19, 2010

Anxiety Disorders - What are they all about?

We all suffer from anxiety from time to time, but how do we know when typical stress goes beyond to something known as Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is a real psychological and physiological state. There are emotional and behavioral components that combine to create all those horrible feelings associated with what we associate with anxiety; fear, worry and apprehension.

The physical state of anxiety brings symptoms of heart palpitations, muscle weakness, tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headaches. Some people think these symptoms are all “in the head” of the anxious person, but believe me, they are real and when severe, can feel life threatening to the sufferer.

As students, the anxiety you are probably most familiar with is the widely talked about “Test Anxiety”. Everyone probably experiences some form of this anxiety at one point in their lives. Fear of embarrassment by a teacher, time pressures, feeling of failure, sweating, dizziness, headaches, racing heartbeats, nausea, and fidgeting are all common ailments of someone suffering from test or performance anxiety.